Scuba Update 🤿
Hubby and I passed our open water tests last year. We are currently certified to dive 60 feet down into the abyss… which right now is Lake Erie. I’m trying to overlook the fact that, unless we hit the lotto, we’ll be diving locally wearing 5mm to 7mm wetsuits with hoods in murky’ish water with
The Finer Grace of Prayer
One of my favorite books for spiritual reading is “Contemplative Provocations”, by Fr. Donald Haggerty. One paragraph can fuel an hour, even days, of reflection. I’ve had the book for about 6 months but continue to ruminate within the first chapter, “The Concealment of God”. While I would not necessarily recommend this gem for new
Scrolling through Facebook ‘news’ this morning… My heart breaks for this generation. Actually, my heart breaks for anyone of any age who reads this garbage. “Writers” have hit an all-time low. Mind you, I don’t expect the Dan Rather / Barbara Walters level of reporting, especially on social media. But today it just hit me
Dangerous Day Dreaming
Without a to-do list I can find myself caught up in the creative world called my mind. I find it relatively easy to enter into imagination with prompts such as: What if… How cool would it be… I’d love to… My thoughts wind up down a bottomless rabbit hole of possibilities. When I finally ‘snap
Are You Looking in the Right Place?
Once again, God used my cat Monica to teach me a lesson. We live in the city but get lots of wildlife in our yard. Currently we have 2 momma turkeys, 10 poults (baby turkeys), 2 doe, 2 fawns, a bajillion bunnies, chipmunks, and red squirrels. Early this spring on a cold and rainy morning