Catholic Church Faith Healing Mary Prayer Tradition

Our Lady of Sorrows

As I read the Sequence (appears before the Gospel) for today’s Mass, tears welled in my eyes thinking of my own daughters.

Kissing boo-boos. Rocking them to sleep when they were sick. Crying for them when I could not take their pain away. And now, praying for their salvation.

Today, I join my own pierced heart with Mary.

She sorrows for her Son who died for my children.

I sorrow for my children who take His death for granted… and, I include my own slothfulness in that sorrow.

Oh Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, grant that my tears, mingled with yours, prompt a deep desire to live for Jesus and Jesus alone.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!

[Photo credit - Zarateman,]

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