You Are Seen
Two things…
I was praying with today’s Gospel and got stopped after the first line:
As Jesus passed by, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. He said to him, “Follow me.”
Matthew 9:9
And he got up and followed Him.”
If you’ve watched the Chosen series, they paint Matthew with a brush from ‘the spectrum’. Whether he was or not, I can identify.
Anyone who has felt as if they were on the outside looking in, not part of the group, cast aside, doesn’t belong, invisible…
Jesus sees us.
He says, Follow Me”.
Matthew had a choice and chose Christ.
My second observation:
Although it was a choice for Matthew, it was not a question from Jesus, but a statement. He didn’t pander, there were no qualifiers, He was direct. And, Matthew didn’t wait. “He got up and followed Him”.
Something deep inside Matthew urged him to drop everything, leave his post, and walk away from an unfulfilling life to join this Man who seemed to gather society’s unwelcome.
His life was forever changed – from a hated outsider to an Apostle, a Gospel writer who will be remembered forever.
For my friends who feel like outsiders, unworthy, unnecessary, unloved, unpopular for whatever reason, unseen or not acknowledged: when you hear His call, don’t hesitate.
Jesus sees you… and says, Follow Me.
Be like Matthew. Your life will be forever changed.
Pray for me as I pray for you!
What are your thoughts?