Synodality – Women’s Ordination
[This is a reflection on an article (linked below) from the National Catholic Register on #synodality.]
The greatest thing a woman can do within our Catholic Church is to build a culture of vocations:
- Be a Holy wife & mother,
- Encourage vocations to the priesthood,
- Pray for an increase of holiness & virtue in our priests.
Do you want to be a woman priest?
Check your intentions.
Do you really want to serve, or are you seeking a title? Servant leadership as Jesus taught does not seek power and authority but a spirit of docile submission rooted in love.
I’ve heard, first-hand, from several women who said they “felt called to be priests” and were angry that they were unable to follow that call.
Follow the logic:
- God cannot contradict Himself.
- With the assistance of the Holy Spirit, the Church’s teachings on matters of faith & morals are infallible. (see Code of Canon Law, Book III)
- The Magisterium teaches that the sacrament of holy orders may be only conferred upon a baptized male.
- If God cannot contradict Himself and the Holy Spirit is the One who leads the Magisterium to infallibly teach that only baptized men be admitted to the priesthood… then what spirit is “calling you to be a priest”?
- This leads us to logically state that this spirit cannot be our Trinitarian God since it would be in opposition to the Magisterium which is led by the Holy Spirit.
- Therefore, the actual spirit “calling you to be a priest” is either your own and/or the evil spirit.
This should give any woman who desires to become a Catholic priest some serious pause. It may indicate a spirit of pride that one’s own will be done, not God’s will, and/or that the devil is working to divide the Church.
My post is not meant to be a scolding… I have certainly followed, on many occasions, my own desires that are not from God. Those paths never bear good fruit. It’s taken me over 50 years to figure that out; the desire to follow my own will only dies when I do.
All women have a role in the body of Christ. You are necessary to the Church!
Reflect on your charisms and strengths. How does God want you to humbly serve His Church? He has given you a mission meant for no one else. That’s exciting!
I’m grateful for Sr. Sara Butler’s comments in the article on women’s ordination and the Synod from the National Catholic Register. She gives a beautiful perspective rooted in truth. Please give it a read.
Another great resource is from Jimmy Akin who provides all the receipts.
“Women’s Ordination: It’s Infallible”, Jimmy Akin
As you ponder this and other issues coming out of the Synod on Synodality, know of my prayers for you. Please pray for me.
What are your thoughts?