Are We Being Served Inferior Wine?
A few weeks ago, I was praying with the Scripture, John 2:1-10, the Wedding Feast at Cana. A line stood out; it struck me as if I had never read it before. Taking this as an inspiration from the Holy Spirit, I sat with the verse for quite a while. To have a better understanding
For the New Year – A Sisterhood
Not looking to change the world… just become holy. Not trying to start a movement… just become holy. Not hoping to create a member group… just become holy. Listen, I can’t get holy on my own. None of us can. There is a reason God created us to be in community – to help each
As You Journey…
As your journey with the Holy Family brings you moments from Bethlehem, I hope that, at some point during this worldly-hijacked holy season, you can find some quiet, really quiet time with the Incarnate Lord. Let’s praise God for the gifts that He’s given us this past year. Then, at the manger-side, we can prayerfully
Hiding Behind the Costume
The earliest Halloween costume I recall wearing was that of Snow White. I remember it clearly because it was the first store-bought costume my mom allowed me to have. We grew up, as many kids do, with very little. Most of my clothes were made by my mother who was a gifted seamstress. I was
Saint Augustine
Blessings on this Memorial of the great St. Augustine! I love this image by Philippe de Champaigne – look carefully and you’ll discover so much about this Doctor of the Church. Comment below with what you find… ❤️🔥