Where Have We Been and Where are We Going
Deacon Jerry and I have been really busy with family and I’ve seriously neglected this blog and our YouTube Channel… although, we’ve been keeping up on our Instagram account, @Roaminkath. <hint, hint: click the link to follow us> So, what have we been up to? We took a two-week vacation to Israel, returning just a
Let’s Huddle
Social Media has been buzzing – more like screaming – with posts and messages about the latest scandal in the Catholic Church. I’ve seen more hate being tossed back and forth than I have with the election of Trump. God forbid a faithful Catholic say that they’re a “faithful Catholic”, you might as well draw
The Elephant and Discipleship
2 Words: Catholic Pennsylvania Actually, the elephant is no longer in the room. Everyone is talking about the violence against our children and youth by those affiliated with the Catholic church. There have been many articles written about these scandals; I’d like to offer a different perspective. After 20 years in youth ministry, I’ve experienced
90 Day Lock Up
90 days are a roller coaster, seem like forever, and feel like lock-up. When I discerned out of 20 years of youth ministry, my spiritual director gave me guidelines to follow: No official ministry or job for one year giving me time to heal and learn to listen to the Lord. Find a hobby, discover
Don’t Blink
Our treadmill is in a partially finished area of the basement along with Jerry’s weight set, universal machine, a freezer, filing cabinets, and several bookshelves filled with our daughters’ books. This afternoon while sitting on the floor putting on my running shoes to hit the treadmill (it was raining outside), I began to stare at