Civilize It and Retreating
Yesterday, I posted the following on my personal Facebook wall: The US Catholic Bishops just put out a paper on how to speak nicely to each other as our nation gears up for the elections. How did we get to this point??? SMH… Oh, and make sure you sign the pledge that you’ll be nice:
I Believe, Help My Unbelief
Is there a God? I believe there is. I’m a cradle Catholic; tick all the ‘sacrament’ boxes, attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. I try to hit the confessional once a month and see a spiritual director about every 6 weeks. If you visited our home you would find a Crucifix in
Mean Girls on the Soccer Field
I look forward to the day when women will be nice to each other. Women can be the most loving and compassionate sisters in Christ, filled with virtue and integrity. We can also be the most envious and intimidating of enemies. Remember the awkwardness of middle school, the high school cliques, the circle of ‘mean
Things I’ve Learned from my Cat
If you’re a regular reader (if not, why?) you’ll know that in February we adopted an incredibly shy Russian Blue kitten named Monica. For several weeks Monica hid under our furniture on a very chilly, wood floor. I would spend hours lying flat on my stomach reaching under the couch as far as I could,
Take Her to Olive Garden
[read the next few lines in your best Michael Bolton voice] “When a man loves a woman, Can’t keep his mind on nothin’ else, He’d trade the world For a good thing he’s found” I’d add: “he does stupid things to make himself look good” … but that just doesn’t rhyme Jerry, my husband –