Just start…
So much has happened over the past few months. It’s overwhelming. I’ve wanted to share so many little moments, revelations, trials, tribulations, joys and sorrows. The journey.
<sigh> Have you ever felt you were running a race so slowly you’d never catch up… so you stop trying?
That’s me and this blog; it’s me and my faith.
Where do I start?
I’m so far behind?
It’s impossible to catch up.
Instead of writing, I power down the laptop. Turn off the lamp. Close the office door.
Fin. Done. Don’t bother. Delete.
In reality, the Holy Spirit has been placing things on my heart to share, but the ‘evil one’ doesn’t want anyone to read it.
Whispers of…
“You’re not good enough; your writing is uninteresting.”
“What you have to say is inconsequential, unimportant.”
“No body will read it; don’t waste your time”.
Once again, I listened to the lies. Actually, I’m surprised the ‘evil one’ didn’t pester me on my grammar and punctuation. He would have had a point. I digress.
My faith has had it’s own ‘ebbs and flows’. During the low points in desolation, the ‘evil one’ says…
“Why bother praying at all, you’ve wasted so much of your life.”
“You’re not good enough to share the faith; you don’t have a degree in theology.”
“Don’t bother with sharing the Gospel; it’s too late now.”
But when I fight the desolation and pray against the lies, the Lord says…
“You were made for holiness. I will create in you a new heart.”
“Look to Me and I will give you strength. My yoke is easy and burden light.”
“I have been patiently waiting. You are my prodigal daughter.”
Hence, this post. I’m rejecting the lies, listening to the Holy Spirit, and no longer worrying about catching up.
If you have ever felt inadequate, unworthy, or too broken to turn back to God… I understand, I get it. Know that the Lord’s words are louder than the lies that you’ve been fed. Stop, be still, ask God to open your heart, then listen.
You were made for love. God created you with purpose. It’s never too late to seek Him. Nothing can change these truths.
You are unconditionally loved. Say yes. Be open.
Just start.
Know of my prayers for you,
What are your thoughts?