Gift of Peace
My morning routine places me in the summer prayer chair, a wicker rocker/glider that sits in our courtyard overlooking the field, facing east.
I’m out each morning by 7am; blessed by the warm glow of the rising sun.
It is always so still, with only the slightest breeze filled with the songs and calls of robins, cardinals, and a myriad of other birds. But my favorite sound is the distinct buzz of the little red and emerald hummingbird who visits our feeder several times during my prayer time.
I try to have my camera ready to take his picture but he knows what I’m up to. He dips into the feeder long enough to drink the nectar, then gives me a knowing glance and flies away just as I get him into focus.
Our little game has been going on for weeks. My hope was to share him with you.
I’m resigned to the possibility that God is allowing my friend’s visits as a small gift meant only for me (so you get a photo of our baby deer).
In this highly charged world where we argue over who is racist, if masks really work, social distancing vs unemployment, and the upcoming elections (which always bring out the best in us), my little fluttering friend reminds me of what is truly important…
“Then, the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7
Be at peace dear friends! 🕊️
What are your thoughts?