For the New Year – A Sisterhood
Not looking to change the world… just become holy.
Not trying to start a movement… just become holy.
Not hoping to create a member group… just become holy.
Listen, I can’t get holy on my own. None of us can.
There is a reason God created us to be in community – to help each other attain heaven… get rid of vice, grow in virtue, learn how to pray, to know Jesus…
All the things.
While spiritual direction (which I give and receive) is a regular part of my life, I need more. I need accountability. I need someone to say, “you’re doing it wrong” or “great job, keep it up”. And, from the feedback I’ve received, I’m not the only one.
I don’t have biological sisters, but I do have sisters in Christ whom I’d love to pray with, shed a tear with, hold in prayer, and learn about Jesus with.
After spending quality ‘Jesus’ time with these sisters in 2023, I’ve set up a framework to include several opportunities for community… with lots of room to grow in 2024.
- Tuesday Morning Prayer & Coffee – 9am EST using Zoom & IBreviary
- Thursday Night Lights – 7pm EST using Zoom and the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday
- ATNW (Along the Narrow Way) eNewsletter – “Friday Finds” and random emails for website updates and events.
- ATNW Telegram Group – Telegram is a free communication app for Android & iOS – ad free and keeps information private. (I’m tired of supporting Facebook for lots of reasons.)
It’s taken a lot of prayer and a little (lot) of planning & development to get these things ready for prime time. But, I think it’s time to share.
There is no cost to join any of the above; I only ask that you register so I can email you (based on your interests) the Zoom links, add you to the eNewsletter list (via Mailchimp), and/or send you the link to join the private Telegram group.
You can find more information here – the registration form is at the bottom: Sisterhood Opportunities.
Anyhoo…. I hope you’ll join me if you can and maybe share this with a friend There are no registration deadlines; just complete the form and participate when you can.
Know of my prayers for you, please pray for me! 🙏
What are your thoughts?