Are You Looking in the Right Place?
Once again, God used my cat Monica to teach me a lesson.
We live in the city but get lots of wildlife in our yard. Currently we have 2 momma turkeys, 10 poults (baby turkeys), 2 doe, 2 fawns, a bajillion bunnies, chipmunks, and red squirrels.
Early this spring on a cold and rainy morning I woke to a large buck and doe bedded down in our side yard. As I carefully approached the window to get a better look I called Monica who often enjoys watching the wildlife with me. I pointed to the window and said, “look at the deer”.
As I don’t speak ‘cat’, it’s no wonder she didn’t listen. Silly girl just looked at the other wall.
A blank wall.
Mind you, all of this was taking place through the lens of my cell phone. I snapped a ton of photos of the deer and hoped to catch one of Monica looking out at them.
Instead, she stared at the wall. No matter how hard I tried to get her to check out the deer, she remained intensely focused in a different direction.
When I put down my cell phone and stepped back from the window I realized she was watching a stink bug.
I got out my bug sucker, trapped it, and tossed the interloper outside.
While the deer are not a threat, these stink bugs are a nuisance to home owners; an invasive species. Even though they’re not dangerous they can emit a foul odor (hence their name) if threatened. This spring Monica has helped us find and rid many, many of them.
She was looking in the right direction.
The scenario made me reflect on what I’m focused on.
I’m looking outside at the obvious while God is trying to tell me to be vigilant and look within where the foul danger lurks – sin, temptation, evil, etc.
I wish there was a ‘sin sucker’ like the one I used on our bug.
Oh wait, there is; it’s called confession! I just have to be looking in the right place before I go.
Pray for me as I pray for you!
What are your thoughts?