Spiritual Perspective from My Cat
This morning I was sitting in my ‘prayer chair’ wondering where Monica was. Normally my cat plays by the patio doors where I can see her.
Not today.
Snow replaced leaves that normally flutter back and forth across the deck. No games of chase for her anytime soon.
Looking out the windows, it dawned on me just how much snow we received during the storm; at least 24″ overnight. The pile was quite high on the patio. From my vantage point it seemed to be as high as the railing. Looking further up into our neighbors yard, the pine trees were glistening in the morning sun.
It was such a beautiful scene from where I sat in my cozy chair. I snapped a photo with my cell intending to post on Facebook. Sadly, my camera didn’t pick up the glittery effect on the snow so I moved around the room to see if I could take a better picture.
Moving very to the window I sat on the floor looking for snow crystals. Monica came in and sat next to me. And, I wondered. What does she see?
I laid on the floor, eye-level with her, and took a picture from her point of view.
White nothingness.
Where I could see the glistening of the sun on the fresh snow, she could only see white.
Where I could marvel at the height of the snow piles against the patio railing, she could only see white.
Where I could wonder at the beauty of the pine trees beyond, she could only see white.
I sat back in my ‘prayer chair’ and reflected on how much more Monica would be able to see if she would just sit further away from the patio door. But she’s so used to sitting nose-to-window; she doesn’t want to miss the opportunity to chase a passing leaf… even if she can’t see anything but white right now.
Although Monica is never on a leash, she acts as if we tied her to the door frame.
She is free to lay on our bed, sit on the top of her cat tree, or curl up in my lap to get a different view of the landscape. Then she could watch a passing deer, chirp at the squirrels and chatter at the birds. But no. She is content to sit literally 4 inches from the snow.
And I wonder… do we live this way?
I think so.
We are used to routine and comfort. Often so content with our view of the world that we don’t realize what lies beyond our field of vision. Maybe we’ve created our own little kingdoms and don’t want to look any further. The proverbial bubble.
Fear can keep us from venturing out. Maybe we’re afraid of what we’ll see; that we’ll be uncomfortable with the landscape. Are there unknowns that trigger our anxiety?
Could it be that we’ve created our own kind of snow globe? We’re too proud to consider that there might be something better beyond.
Yes, there are those of us who keep moving around to get a better view, but how many of us don’t see the forest for the trees?
Monica has an excuse. Her brain is literally the size of a walnut, and she lacks the ability for proper discernment.
But, what’s stopping us?
What opportunities might be available if we took a step back, rid ourselves of pride, broke out of our comfort zone, and stepped out in faith with courage?
Are we even taking this to prayer?
I guess that’s what this reflection is really about.
What is it that I cannot see because I lack the ability to trust, to submit, to surrender.
God has this divine bird’s-eye view of the world. He can see beyond my current circumstance.
To quote St. John Henry Newman, “God has created me to do Him some definite service. He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission. I might never now it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next.”
My only job then is to stand back, break out of my bubble, let go of my pride, have courage, be vigilant, and listen.
While I can encourage Monica to sit with me in my ‘prayer chair’; I can’t force her to look out at the bigger picture, see the wildlife, and watch the snow-flocked hemlock sway in the wind.
Likewise, God can place all sorts of clues as to what lies beyond. It’s up to me to accept the grace, consolations, and whispers of the Holy Spirit so that I may see with the eyes of faith what He has in store for me.
Please pray for me as I pray for you.
What are your thoughts?